Friday, February 12, 2010

{Still A Little Under The Weather}

6 days now and still having the chills, sweats, cough and headache. The good news is that the sore throat is gone and the headache isn't as bad as it was at the beginning of the week. I pushed myself today to do all the mom stuff that has to be done: taxes and grocery shopping. Unfortunately, we seemed to be out of EVERYTHING around here and so shopping was not one-stop today. Several stores later and I am wiped out! I should have broken it up into 2 days, but wanted to get it all done because my sweet husband wants to take me to dinner and a movie tomorrow for Valentine's Day. I hope I feel well enough to go.

On top of my still being sick, I have my youngest daughter who is trying to get over the same thing. Poor baby, she is way worse off than me, but getting better each day.

Obviously, because of all of this, I didn't get my Tuesday's Tip posted and for this I apologize. I have a couple of more pics to take of some images I want to show you how to put together and have them really come to life! I will work on them Monday for this Tuesday.

I will be showing you some tips to putting together those teeny-tiny, totally impossible little cuts, how to shade your images for depth and pop dotting and how it makes a world of difference! Images you will see:
  • Hello Kitty with Umbrella
  • Mickey and Minnie Mouse
  • A few Princesses
  • Some images from the Cricut Cart From My Kitchen
  • and some others I haven't settled on.

It should be really informative. All my little secrets to creating larger than life die cuts! Check back Tuesday, it will be here just for you! {And Brandy Elegante...she is the one who gave me the idea for this one. Thanks, Brandy! °Ü°}

1 comment:

  1. Get feeling better. I wish I lived close to you so I could bring you some soup or something. Hang in there!
