Wednesday, February 17, 2010

{34th Birthday Card}

This past January, my "little" brother turned 34. He doesn't have very many baby parent's log cabin home burned in 2005 and they were lost in that fire.
When he was a few months old, my mom took all us kids down to Woolworth's to have our pictures taken. One of the poses was just him all by himself.
Now, do you remember the days when you would get little charms with your photo packages? Well, we did with ours and I begged my mom for a charm of my baby brother. All these years, this little charm has sat in my jewelry boxes. In light of what happened in 2005, I thought it would be fun to make him a card and place the charm in it.
This is what I came up with:

As you can see from the flag in the charm, he was a "Bicentennial Baby", which is why I chose the vintage red, cream and blue papers.
The card is a tri-fold and 5x7 in size. Lots of fun creating this one!