Sunday, January 17, 2010

{Taking Back the Reins}

Happy New Year! I hope 2010 has gotten off to a great start for you. Mine started out a little bumpy, but it is smoothing out and I am really trying to enjoy each day of this year.

I have spent the past week, or so, organizing my scrapbook supplies. Going through every paper pack, all of my embellishments and tools and just taking inventory. For those of you who have, what can be considered, a small scrapbook store of your own, you know how quickly it all piles up and just how easily it is to forget what you have! It's a lot! I've got to get busy and start scrappin' if I plan on buying anything new anytime soon. °Ü°

I have also been working on pages for a class I will be teaching this year: Disney pages! I am so excited about it. Our first pages will be "I Mickey" and it will steam roll from there. My motivation for doing the class is so that I can get all of my DisneyLand and DisneyWorld photos into albums. What better way to get motivated and actually do it than sitting down with 10 friends each month and scrapping! I'm really looking forward to it. For those of you who have a Cricut and the Disney cartridges, I will post how-to's here on my blog so that if you like the pages, you can create them for your own albums. {The pages cannot be copied and re-created for sale, but I am more than happy to help you with ideas for building your Disney albums.} Look for the first of the pages to be posted in February.

Now, with a New Year comes the dirty "R" word: RESOLUTIONS. Like most, I work on them for a few weeks and give up and move on. So, this year, my resolution was NO resolutions! Trust me, it's not because I am perfect, I am far from it! It's just I don't want to add anymore failures to the already too of a long list. I do, however, have one goal for myself and that is to stop and smell the roses more this year. If there is anything that 2009 taught me it is that life is passing me by way to quickly. Time has become a thief, stealing away precious moments. I spent most of New Year's Eve wondering where the year had gone. SO, I have taken my days and my life back! I am slowing down and learning to enjoy the moments, even the icky ones, because good can come from them, too. I am taking more time to read, exercise, think and plan my days. I am spending more time with my girls and my sweet husband and even showing more love to our cat, Boo-Boo kitty! I am managing my time more wisely and have taken back the reigns so that not one precious moment passes me by this year. There is at least one rose in each day, ladies! Don't forget to take the time to stop and smell it, enjoy it and allow it to enrich your life!


  1. Great post! I am so excited to see your Disney pages.

  2. Hi
    I was curious if the disney page classes are something I could attend in person? I love your work it's wonderful!

  3. Elegante Family, thank you so much! I will be glad to get my Disney Pages done, to be honest! °Ü°

  4. Hi Jen,

    If we were not already bursting at the seams, I would say YES! I would love to have you join us, but right now we are 12 and that is pushing it, for two reasons: First, because we are meeting at a different group member's home each month and it is going to be a tight fit some months. Secondly, finding the same coordinating papers for 12 kits is a nightmare! I am having a tough time finding 24 sheets of the same backgound paper for each spread.

    If you are interested, I can do this for you-- I can make you a kit that has all of the images, titles,journaling tags, metal embellisments and ribbons and then you can use your own papers for the background and photo mats. With all I supply, it will be easy to put together your own pages. If this is something you would like to do, let me know and I will calculate the cost out for each partial kit.

    I do wish that we could squeeze you in, but I found out two years ago, that if I don't do the cut off at 12, it makes it almost impossible to put together identical kits. IF, by some chance, one of the girls drops out, I will gladly offer you the spot!

    Thanks for writing... Hope to hear from you soon!

